Monday, September 28, 2020

09-26-2020 Delicious Reflections

 My last entry to the Maryland Federation Of Art’s Juried Exhibition, Light And Shadow 2020:

Sunday, September 27, 2020

09-25-2020 Opaque Heavypaint Apple

 Note to self: Mute on Discord while using iPad to both communicate via Discord while playing D&D and painting when not my turn.... oops. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

09-24-2020 Fuji At Night 4.0 (a 1hr apple)

 It’s been a long busy week and at night while in bed I can grab my phone and do a quick HEAVYPAINT apple before bed. Sorry if it’s been a bit much of a good thing. I hope this weekend to finish my acrylic board piece and do something new. Hope you had a great week. 


Friday, September 25, 2020

09/23/2020 Another 2hr iPhone Apple

 I hate autocorrect.

I know I could turn it off but it is helpful a lot of the time. (Also, I’m typing this at night so please forget any uncaught typos!)  Apparently, autocorrect does NOT want to believe fingerPAINTING is not fingerPRINTING...SMH. What I am doing here with these HEAVYPAINT apples is definitely fingerPAINTING, just to be clear—my left pointer finger to be exact. 

It is amazing what we can do on these phones, isn’t it? I remember being in 3rd grade reading a story about kids who went to school at home using computers JUST EXACTLY as my kids are doing now.  Did we really think, boys and girls, that everyone would have a computer in their house one day? And that the computers could talk to each other? And that we could have tv phone calls? “Nooooooo,” we all said in 1979 to our substitute teacher, Mrs. Johnson, my best friend’s mom.  Wrongo, boys and girls. The future is now for those of use who grew up with rotary phones hanging on the wall. Time to plug in in my tricorder for the night. You know, the one with instant access to all human knowledge....

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Monday, September 21, 2020

09-19-2020 Canvas

 New painting started.... I don’t think I’ve painted a canvas since... like 1990? This will be acrylic on a canvas board.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

09-18-2020 That’s No Moon

Well, I got my first comment on the blog site a few days ago and it was from another art blogger! She’s just starting and her site is so different from mine, yet also on Blogger, so that was interesting. Warm Art Blog is an instructional art blog, giving artists advice and guidance.So yay for comments!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

09-17-2020 Fuji

Hi all.  Well, the video from yesterday went up on the site ok, but my email was blank when I got it. Bummer. I’m sorry if you thought there was no post yesterday. I’d figured if it was good online it’d be good in the email... and my emails don’t come until late evening, so I didn’t catch it. But it’s here on the site if you want to check!

Friday, September 18, 2020

09/17/2020 Heavypaint video

Figured out how to make this today. Thought you’d enjoy. I’m not sure it is going to post correctly tho, so if it doesn’t I’ll put something else up later in the day.  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

09/16/2020 Heavypaint Apple #1

 I downloaded an app called Heavypaint onto my phone. An artist friend had evangelized it to me. I read it was initially intended for a phone. I’d downloaded to my iPad but it was buggy, so I deleted it and put it on my phone. So this is my first HP apple, done with my left forefinger on my phone. Here’s a screenshot  

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

09-14-2020 Power apple

So this was my art therapy homework. And then of course I slapped an apple on it so I can include it here! That’s going to be a thing on occasion when I’m not feeling directly Apple-inspired.

The hw Q = What would [my] power look like if I didn’t keep it under the bell jar that I think keeps me safe? What about you? What would your image answer be? Please share in a comment if you try your own answer. 


Monday, September 14, 2020

09-12-2020 I’m a goddamn cheetah

In case you’re wondering, the apple is in the lower left. The title references Glennon Doyle’s latest book: Untamed, which is drop-everything required reading as far as I’m concerned. 

In other news, I’m up to 97 followers on Instagram, which is exciting as at 100 I get to have some metrics about them. Please feel free to comment on any image, should the mood strike you. I’d love to hear from you.  

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Oops. + Ghana detail

Sorry folks. I’d written the post, but forgot to add the art when I finished! That’s what I get for working late. SMH. So here’s a bonus, a detail from the piece, + two pieces of wisdom/info: 1- Painting feathers is hard! 2- Yes, the necklace pendant elephant is made from a fork.  

09-11-2020 Ghana

Just a quick note that I have added a couple of pages to the Blog website, showing some of my non-apple art. The jewelry in this photo are all gifts from my bestie while she lived in Ghana. So of course I stuck them in an apple.

Friday, September 11, 2020

09-10-2020 Ghana— IN PROGRESS

Hi all.  Well, school started this week in our county, which means I am having to stay on top of my kids during the day. I am finding myself grabbing smidgets of time and then trying to finish... and then it’s 2am. So I’m afraid there are now going to be posts of works in progress instead of a separate, completed artwork each day. There will also be a need for doodles to suffice, as they did early on. I got kind of ambitious lately, trying to have something that took significant effort each day, but I don’t think I can swing it. We’ll see. I’ll do my best. Hope you are well. 

Work in progress...          

      My still life set-up on my bureau.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

09-07-2020 square brush

 Oops—this was supposed to be posted Wednesday instead of a 2-fer Tuesday, which means you saw this yesterday  Sorry about that. I’ve got no buffer now so I don’t have something else to post instead. Whatever I do today is what you’ll see tomorrow. I need to do several a day for a while to build my buffer back up so I can have free days when necessary. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Kid’s crayon drawing

Commission request: “Do an Apple drawing like you think a little kid would do it, like if a TV show needed a kid’s drawing they probably don’t have a kid really do it because you need it to look a certain way. Can you do one you think looks like a real kid drew it?” I don’t know. Here’s my shot.