Monday, September 14, 2020

09-12-2020 I’m a goddamn cheetah

In case you’re wondering, the apple is in the lower left. The title references Glennon Doyle’s latest book: Untamed, which is drop-everything required reading as far as I’m concerned. 

In other news, I’m up to 97 followers on Instagram, which is exciting as at 100 I get to have some metrics about them. Please feel free to comment on any image, should the mood strike you. I’d love to hear from you.  

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Oops. + Ghana detail

Sorry folks. I’d written the post, but forgot to add the art when I finished! That’s what I get for working late. SMH. So here’s a bonus, a detail from the piece, + two pieces of wisdom/info: 1- Painting feathers is hard! 2- Yes, the necklace pendant elephant is made from a fork.  

09-11-2020 Ghana

Just a quick note that I have added a couple of pages to the Blog website, showing some of my non-apple art. The jewelry in this photo are all gifts from my bestie while she lived in Ghana. So of course I stuck them in an apple.

Friday, September 11, 2020

09-10-2020 Ghana— IN PROGRESS

Hi all.  Well, school started this week in our county, which means I am having to stay on top of my kids during the day. I am finding myself grabbing smidgets of time and then trying to finish... and then it’s 2am. So I’m afraid there are now going to be posts of works in progress instead of a separate, completed artwork each day. There will also be a need for doodles to suffice, as they did early on. I got kind of ambitious lately, trying to have something that took significant effort each day, but I don’t think I can swing it. We’ll see. I’ll do my best. Hope you are well. 

Work in progress...          

      My still life set-up on my bureau.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

09-07-2020 square brush

 Oops—this was supposed to be posted Wednesday instead of a 2-fer Tuesday, which means you saw this yesterday  Sorry about that. I’ve got no buffer now so I don’t have something else to post instead. Whatever I do today is what you’ll see tomorrow. I need to do several a day for a while to build my buffer back up so I can have free days when necessary.