Tuesday, March 16, 2021

03/15/21 Iconaccidental Study 2—Final

 I was not satisfied with this as it was. She looked like a zombie to me. I added shading/contouring/highlighting/color and tweaked the saturation and am much more satisfied with this version. Still not really realistic, but I guess that’s what cameras are for.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

03/11/12 Amphitrite x Pele | Fire & Water

I’ve made a fire every day for at least a couple of months now.  It’s become very important. Something that’s MINE. So my therapist’s like do an image about that. Only when I contemplated it I kept thinking of all the people who were killed with fire on purpose (witches, heretics, victims of terrorists) and how awful that is. So I surrounded her with water to make it safe. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

03/11/2021 North Street (analog) fixed

I used my kindergarten cutting and pasting skills to help correct the roofline on this illustration. I cut out the parts that didn’t work and couldn’t be erased and pasted the parts I kept onto a new page and went from there. 

Here’s a comparison of both digital and analog with both rooflines: