Thursday, September 26, 2024

Holy updates, Batman!

Well, look at that—it’s been a minute (as the kids say) since Summit made it into the MD hall exhibition! I need to make more careful counts, but upon first glance here are the stats of what has gone on between then and now. Please see for more complete information.

Completed artworks: 10

Art Photographs: 5

Jurored Gallery Exhibitions:  4

Open Exhibitions: 2

Artworks sold: 1

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Hey, the 1990s called and want their website back….

Hi there.I just wanted to take a moment to say that yes, I am quite aware that this website is not as dynamic as most contemporary websites.

That is because it is free

The Blogger platform is one of the oldest online and it shows. When I started my An Apple A Day project (2020), it was really on a lark (see link to "Welcome" page) and was done before I had many artworks hurried into gallery exhibitions. It really was just for the Apple project. I have continued to use it after the close of that project and maintain it in addition to Instagram, my and sites  

Thank you for visiting!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Summit makes it to Maryland Hall (Annapolis)!

This will be my first artwork to be displayed at Maryland Hall (Annapolis), which is very exciting. I wish the reception weren't during Paint Annapolis week, but it's probably not a bad thing to make me take a break and socialize.

Mt. Tabor Etsy Review

 What a treat to get such a nice review!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Mt. Tabor = SOLD

It’s gonna be hard to let this one go. It has become one of my favorites. Painted in my car on a cold January afternoon, I’d always thought this was an old one-room schoolhouse, Nope.


The Homestretch

This year’s entry for the Hospice Cup Poster Competition was made using last year’s entry as a template for a digital painting. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

New Gallery! Gallery Underground (VA) acceptance

 I am thrilled to have received an acceptance into Our American Soul, a juried exhibition by the Gallery Underground, an art gallery part of the Arlington Arts Alliance (VA), located in Crystal City (adjacent to Reagan National Airport). This is my first acceptance into a non-MD gallery that is not for virtual work. So, I will be schlepping my Mind The Glass mixed media artwork down to Arlington, probably using the Metro....

Commission Complete

 I had fun transforming a photo for a friend into a more artistic rendering. I did a few different iterations to see what appealed and they chose the one closest to the coloration of the actual photo. The plan is to print it as a 14x14" print and gift it to the person depicted in the photo.

Digitally altered photo rendered as a digital painting using Art Set 4 and containing elements of watercolor, pastel, and ink